Pulmonary Fibrosis Trust

Matt’s Fundraiser …. For Mick

Matt Capener

Matt Capener

My Story

My lovely bother Mick died at 62 after working in the NHS for 40 years. He retired at 57 and was looking forward to retirement, travelling and spending time with family. 
Pulmonary Fibrosis ended his life far too soon. A wonderful bloke who made me laugh till my belly ached. 
I hate running ... but am attempting the marathon to raise money for this fantastic charity. Please give whatever you can. 
Thank you so much 

Matt xx 



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

My lovely bother Mick died at 62 after working in the NHS for 40 years. He retired at 57 and was looking forward to retirement, travelling and spending time with family. 
Pulmonary Fibrosis ended his life far too soon. A wonderful bloke who made me laugh till my belly ached. 
I hate running ... but am attempting the marathon to raise money for this fantastic charity. Please give whatever you can. 
Thank you so much 

Matt xx